Benefit : Height Growth Capsule boosts the natural process of growth and development of the body. It is a potent blend of natural ingredients that help in improving digestion and growth of the body. It helps in providing the required amount of energy to the body. Builds and tones muscular mass by promoting new cell and tissue growth. Improves metabolism which further leads to lean body. Strengthens nervous system and maintains cholesterol levels of the body. Produces amino acids that work as a food supplement for the pituitary which further results in the production of growth.
Serving Size 1 Capsule : 500 mg.
Key Ingredients : Withinia Somniferra, Puraria Tuberose, Lepidium Sativum, Gentiana Sativum, Acacia Arabica, Ephedra Gerardiana, Cassia Tora, Oroxylum Indicum, Mucana Pruries, Cassytha Filiformis, Lauh Bhasam.